A Digital Card Game and a Note about the Future of this Blog

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted around here. I think I say that every time I write a post on here, but it’s true every time. I just don’t really tend to get ideas for things to talk about, especially since there’s no clear focus for this blog. But more on that later.

Right now, I do have something to talk about, and something that I think is pretty cool.  I’ve gotten really into video games over the past year or so, though I don’t think I’ve mentioned it here. I really should do just some kind of personal update post or something… Point is, I ran into a unique-looking indie game on the interwebs, and I thought I’d mention it here. It’s on Steam Greenlight, which means it needs votes to actually become a reality. Hence why I’m mentioning it.

Frost Logo

The game is called Frost. It’s a solo strategy card game that revolves around a Stone Age-esque tribe fleeing from an enormous storm known as the Frost. It’s inspired by deck-building card games such as Dominion and Ascension (the latter which I’ll admit I’ve never heard of). I really haven’t gotten into any card-based video games, but I’ve always been a fan of real-life ones and actually have tried to make a few in the past. So, naturally, the concept of this game interested me.

Though I’ll readily admit I know very little about the virtual card game genre (I’m not even sure if I’m calling it the right thing), Frost seems to be doing something different compared to most games of the same type. Most virtual card games (like Hearthstone or Magic: The Gathering Online) are multiplayer and very combat oriented, whereas Frost is singleplayer and focused on survival. From what I can tell, it seems to be about shuffling resources around and trying to use them to fill needs that come up and keep your tribe on the move. As in Dominion, you spend (or rather, temporarily discard) cards to obtain the right combinations of other cards. The more turns it takes you to do this, the closer the Frost gets. If you aren’t strategic enough, it’ll overtake you and your tribe will perish.

If you want to see some pre-alpha uber-early-development gameplay, you can watch the let’s play video that introduced me to the game. It’ll give you a much better idea of what it’s all about than this short blog post will. If Frost interests you and you’d like to see it become an actual game, I heartily encourage you to drop by the game’s Steam Greenlight page and upvote it. For those that have never used Greenlight before, just because you say you’d buy it doesn’t actually mean you have to buy it some time in the future. It’s just a way of expressing interest in the game, from what I understand. If you’re really interested in Frost, you can also download a demo from here. I’d personally wait till it comes out on Steam to buy it, though. It’s still in development, from what I understand, and itch.io isn’t exactly a major game distributor. I don’t think it’s untrustworthy or anything, but I personally have never used it.

That’s about all I have to say for Frost. I found it unique and intriguing, and I felt like it wouldn’t hurt to spread the word about it a little. I’ll take what ideas I can get when it comes to blog posts.

Speaking of which, there’s one more thing I wanna talk about before I go: the future of this blog. First and foremost, I think the title of this blog feels a little unfitting now. I never talk about my life, as I’m not really interested in doing that, I never talk about my strife, as that’s more depressing than anything else, and I don’t really talk about Legos, either. These days, I tend to talk about movies, video games, and other media and art. But not much more than that, frankly.

So I think I need a new name for this place. And not just because it’d make it feel more relevant. I think part of the reason I post so little here is because I don’t really know what to talk about. Just like in real-life conversations, I don’t know where to start or what to say. If this place was a little more specialized, a little more bent towards a certain subject, I think I’d post a lot more. At the same time, I still want this to remain my “general blog” where I can post pretty much anything I feel like posting, so I need a name that’s somewhat vague. Given my primary interest in media and art, though, it will probably have something to do with those subjects. In short, it’ll probably be more relevant than what I have now, but just as vague. Preferably vaguer.

If you have any ideas for a new name, feel free to leave ’em in the comments. It couldn’t hurt to have multiple opinions on the matter.  I personally haven’t given the subject a ton of thought, but I wanted to mention it here because, after I change the name, I’ll obviously want to change the URL as well, and that could make finding this place problematic for the few people that read it. I won’t change the URL before I make some kind of announcement about it, though. All the same, I wanted to give you all a head’s up.

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